COVID-19 Response:

Life safety is our business, and protecting our clients & staff is our #1 priority.  During this uncertain time, we are cautiously operating business as usual, but are following the guidelines of U.S. Centers for Disease Control along with the suggestions of the national, state & local governments.  Here are some of the safeguards we have implemented to shield our clients and staff:

  1. Any team member who is showing signs of illness is instructed to stay home

  2. All of our team members are conducting personal wellness checks daily.  Each technician is equipped with thermometers for temperature checks regularly throughout the day.

  3. Our technicians have been issued facemasks, gloves and booties, and are instructed to take all necessary precautions before entering your home or business.

  4. Our team is all utilizing increased personal hygiene practices and are following suggested social distancing practices, in every effort to help stop the spread of COVID-19. 

There is no way of knowing exactly how long this pandemic will last, but we will get through this.  Alarm-1 is committed to you.  If you need us, we are here to help.